Since I have had many classes on Teaching and Educating kids I thought I would add a thought about that on all of my Posts.
If a Child discovers something for themselves (hint that means you don't tell them how to do it), they will remember it so much better in the future, but also they will be excited about it. I would rather have a child take a longer time to get something but still be interested and excited about it, than lecture them until they understand it and have them not have that love of learning associated with that subject any more. In other words give your child as many opportunities to discover for themselves as possible.
You provide the environment and they will surprise you every time.
This week try Magnets. Give them a tray with magnets on it and just let them play with different magnetic shaped objects. See if they can figure out the repel/attraction between the different sides of the magnet and how to hook lots of them together, how to build things out of them and how to make one move or dance without touching it just using the attraction/repelling force and many other things. (Be sure to make sure they don't swallow the magnets, this could be really bad)
Try bar magnets, horseshoe magnets, circular shaped, square shaped, doughnut shaped (put these on a pencil and try to make them levitate.) You can find magnetic toys after they have an introduction so they can try to figure out how they work. Something else you can do is Make a chart with two columns one labeled Magnetic and one Labeled Non-Magnetic with an equal number of spaces under each. Then give them an equal number of Magnetic and Non-Magnetic objects in a container mixed together. Do the first and maybe second set of objects then let them try. You can even be super tricky and put metallic objects that are Non-Magnetic. You can take your kid outside and rub a magnet in the dirt and collect iron filings (you can get them to spend all day doing this!) Have fun.
PS So my Mom just got a job for the first time in a very long time after being a Super Stay at home mom! That has to be so hard, so props to her for getting out there, even though I am sure it was scary. She is so amazing, but she doesn't know it! She is one of the hardest workers I know, she is super creative, and she is great at getting things done that need to be done. I know she will be awesome! GO MOM
so I go to see my Father-in-law put into the bishopric of a student ward this week and I turn around My cousin Sarah was staring right at me. He is in the bishopric of her student ward. I later found out that she is the Relief Society President as well. She is so amazing, she pretty much runs a popular restaurant in Logan, and all of its catering. Now she is also a Relief Society President. Talk about 2 Stressful Jobs! Claps for Sarah.
While we are on that Subject, My Mother-in-Law is a full time teacher, has an 11 year old, is the Relief Society president for her ward as well, and does online high school, now my Father-in-law is in a student ward bishopric and is also a full time teacher! They are going to have a super busy next few years as well! Cheers for all those amazing people out there!
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