Sterly and Carling

Sterly and Carling
So in Love

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More Writing

Kids love to write at first.  Just give them a pencil and paper and let them practice writing their name and anything else they can think of.  After a while it becomes a little boring though, so change it up a little to keep them excited about writing!!

In our classroom we have little white boards and dry erase markers that the kids can write with.  We have chalk boards as well.  We have different colors of chalk, pens, colored pencils, crayons, markers, sidewalk chalk, and anything else we can come up with.

This week I just put 5-10 of the three letter words from the earlier post Beginning Readers!   
on a tray with a new writing utensil they had not used yet and the writing material for them to use (for example a white board and dry erase marker, or colored pencil and paper)  And left it on the shelf.  I did not even need to explain to them what to do they just started doing it.  It was natural for them to want to copy what they saw.  Next week I might change it up by changing the words, or by changing to a different color paper, or pencil or marker.

Tomorrow we are going to use sidewalk chalk outside and we are definitely going to be practicing writing!!  The kids love it.

By the way, if you keep one thing out all the time they tend to get bored.  Keep it out for a day or a few days then take it away for about 2 weeks or change it to something a little different and cycle a few different things.  It will keep them excited and interested.

Even kids that have every toy in the world will get bored if every time they go to play with their toys the same things are there.  Try breaking your kids toys up into groups and changing them out every week or so to something different.  You will be amazed at how much more interesting their toys seem to them when they don't see them every day.  I saw a mom who kept a few different laundry bags of toys in her basement and every week put all their kids toys in a laundry bag took it downstairs and brought a new one upstairs.  What a great idea!!  This keeps the toys interesting, without buying new toys all the time, and it also cut down on her mess only having 1/5th of her kids toys around at a time.


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