Sterly and Carling

Sterly and Carling
So in Love

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It has been a crazy last few weeks!!  I am taking 19 credits at USU, and work started at the preschool.  I have been trying to do training and go to school!  Finals are next week and I am now working 40 hrs or so a week!
CRAZY!!  I love the teacher I am working with this year she is amazing and doing some really cool art projects with the kids.  She is also there for all the time and I can't be right now because of class.  My kids are adorable this year and I am so so excited because nap time is going much better than last year so far.  If you want you can come try to get 20 kids to all take a nap at the same time!  Not the easiest of tasks I assure you. Anyways tons going on but writing here is keeping me sane.  It gives me a break from the crazy and I love it.  I hope it is helping others besides me as well.  Good Luck with all your endeavors and,


1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog, your passion for teaching kids inspires me- mary
